Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lafayette Life vs. Lafayette Life

Today at practice, the boys played a scrimmage game.  Coach Tom and Coach Mac divided them up onto two teams and gave them the opportunity to play a 'game.'  Of course, we didn't keep score, so there were no winners or losers today.  Just a bunch a great boys putting out great effort to play America's favorite past time.  

Today, when the teams had their turn in the dugout, I took a few minutes to talk about the 'dugout rules.'  These are important rules for each boy to understand, so, just like the league rules, it would be great if you could go over them with your son.  This helps to reinforce what we are telling them on the field.  Here's what I went over with them:

1.  All boys will be asked to sit on the bench and watch the game while in the dugout.  Coach Mac and Coach Tom want the boys to have Team Spirit, watching the game and cheering on their teammates.  This means no wandering around, no wrestling, and absolutely no climbing on the fence.  

2.  It is important for the boys to have their 'head in the game' both on the field and in the dugout.  Take some time to talk to your son about what this means.  How many outs before you switch sides?  How many strikes before you are out?  How many players does your team have on base?  How many batters before it's your turn?

2.  When you are the next batter, you should have a helmet on and a bat in your hand.  You get to stand in the 'batter's box' (it really isn't a box, but a special area for the next batter). You should be taking a few practice swings while in the batter's box.  They should be good swings, with good form!  

3.  If you are the batter after the one in the batter's box, you should be getting your helmet on (and batting gloves if you use them).  Then you should stand at the wall of the dugout. You should not have a bat in your hand yet.  It is critical for this player's safety that he does not go beyond the edge of the dugout wall because the other player will be taking practice swings.

4.  Out of respect for their teammates, boys should not assume it is ok to use another boy's equipment.  Please ask before grabbing someone else's helmet, gloves, or bat.  

I mentioned earlier that I was going to pass around a snack schedule.  I haven't done this yet.  If anyone wants to email me the date you are interested in, I can start filling it out.  I will also try to remember to bring it to the practices next week.  (I won't be at tomorrow's practice.)

Now for something a little different . . . .

This week I had the pleasure of hearing some wonderful presentations from some first graders. I was at school to see our daughter's presentation, and I was able to see two members of the Lafayette Life baseball team do theirs, too!

Here's a picture of Carson doing his report on World War II.  Yes, you read correctly - World War II!!!  I also heard one about astronauts from another team member.  Playing sports is fun, but school is important stuff.  Great job boys!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Practice Slideshow

Things to Remember!

Well, we have our second practice under our belt. The boys are looking good and having fun! Thanks to those parents who have given permission for photos to be posted. I will get those photos uploaded quickly for you to start enjoying! And thanks to those moms who have already volunteered to help me out. I really appreciate it.

I thought I would put together a list of pointers for everyone - just as a help to those of us (myself included) who don't know a lot about baseball. First, I cannot stress enough how important it is to read the rules for the Pinto League and also to take the time to go over them with your son. Here is the link: I will post this as a link on the sidebar, as well. If you have questions that you would like to have clarified, please ask Coach Tom or Coach Mac.

Now, a few things to remember:

1. Please plan to arrive at the field 15 - 30 minutes early for each game. This gives the boys a quick warm up and allows the coaches and I to get the game and dugout organized before the game begins.

2. On the game schedule I have marked "H" or "V" denoting whether our team is the home or visiting team. If we are the home team we take the dugout on the 3rd baseline and we will bat 2nd. These are always questions that are asked!

3. I have also denoted whether we are playing on Field 1 or Field 2. This is the number after the H or V. Field 1 is the field closer to the parking lot. Field 2 is closer to the playground.

4. Please be sure to bring your son something to drink - some kind of sports drink or water. This is important to help the boys get through the game. That sun is extremely hot and tiresome for them! Coach Mac told me today that they have drink bottles to hand out, so don't go buy a new one!

5. It is a good idea to use a permanent marker to put your son's name on his bat, glove, batting gloves, drink bottle and helmet if he has one. Many things look similar and this helps eliminate confusion. At each game, we will have a plastic tub with each boy's name on it. He will be responsible for putting his belongings in his tub during the game.

6. I will be passing around a snack schedule. It's nice to give the boys a cold drink and a munchie after a long game. We have 13 players on the roster, so please bring enough for everyone. If this is too much of a burden for anyone, please don't feel any pressure - just don't sign up - and don't feel bad about it. Some ideas: capri suns or other boxed drinks, rice krispie treats, cookies, granola bars, packaged crackers, fruit, etc. Homemade snacks are ok, too, and cheaper!

OK, now on to the slide show of the first two practices . . .

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A New Season Begins

Welcome to the blogspot for the Lafayette Life Team in the Pinto League! I hope to be able to keep this site updated with photos, schedules, and other important information regarding our team this year. I'd like to get photo permission from each parent, so that pictures of all the boys can be on this site. More on that later. I plan to use first names only, for the protection of all. I have posted a few photos of our son from the first practice today, so that you can get the idea of what this site will look like. I may change it up a bit after we see what color our uniforms are. Please feel free to let me know what you think! I welcome your feedback.

Looking forward to meeting all of you and enjoying this baseball season together! ~Wendy